In our hurry out the door to enjoy the sunshine this afternoon, some of us forgot our Friday Folders.  No worries…..we will send them home on Monday instead.  Have a wonderful weekend!k5555777

This week…..and next

This week has been a busy one.  We’ve been learning about the different kinds of genres of books, writing with catchy leads and LOTS of feeling , studying maps and solving story problems.  And we can’t forget the Walk-a-thon!  What a great way to end the week!

In your child’s Friday Folder you will find 4 math homework pages and 1 word study sheet.  These papers are not due back until Friday, so you can work on them at your own pace.  If you find yourself stuck on a problem or concept, just jot me a note and I will go over the homework with your child.

imagesIf you have not yet turned in a scrapbook page for our book, please do so soon.

Walk-a-thon envelopes turned in by Sept 30 are still eligible for the raffle.  Please return them, if you haven’t already done so.

Wednesday is our library day.  2nd grade students are able to check out 2 books.  Be sure to remind your student to get those books back to school by Wednesday, if they want to check out a new one.