We are once again only one letter away from spelling the word SMILE in our classroom.  The prize that was voted for the most was “popcorn and a movie” .

Frozen is the movie and microwave popcorn is in the classroom, so we will be all set to celebrate once we earn that final letter!  Please let me know if you would not  like to have your child watch this movie.

Clip Chart Choices

Congratulations to you Pre-K kiddos for another great day of behavior choices!  I am so proud of those who come to school everyday, Ready to Learn, to do a Great Job and sometimes earn trophies to show their Outstanding behavior.  And it’s not everyday that one of our friends clips up to the Ribbon for their behavior!  You are awesome, friends!  Keep up the fabulous work!

        Ready to Learn           Great Job              Outstanding           Ribbon Work



Dear Pre-K Families,

We need your help!  Over the past few weeks, we have had some unfortunate happenings during our Bathroom Breaks.  Friends are not following expectations for good behavior in the bathroom. They are leaving the facilities a mess, with soap all over the mirrors and walls and paper towel and toilet paper on the floors.  Sadly, at this point in the year,  we are still  only able to send 1 or 2 friends into the bathroom at a time—taking up crucial instructional time–because they are being socially inappropriate—splashing water at each other, throwing toilet paper and paper towels and  crawling under stalls, peeking at classmates in what is a very private time.

Bathroom time should be a safe and private experience for all students. Some students are choosing to wait (often until it is too late) to use the bathroom when our class in not there.  This  is not acceptable.  Please speak with your Pre-K student about appropriate bathroom behaviors and let them know that there will be consequences for those who choose to not follow appropriate expectations and rules.

Thank you in advance for your help with this important and sensitive matter.